Katie Pratley

Meditation Leader

Katie Pratley

You are invited to join Katie.  Beginners welcome – even if you’ve never meditated before feel free to come along. ​

My name is Katie, a meditation and mindfulness teacher.  

Having experienced ‘burn out’ professionally, I know how effective and empowering developing the skills to instil peace and calm into your own life can be.  Practiced regularly, meditation and mindfulness contribute to a satisfied life, instilling calm, relaxation, clarity and focus, giving you a rooted base of positivity, connection and a greater sense of wellbeing. 

Meditation is an ongoing path of learning and discovery for me – one that I am passionate about sharing with others.  

I deliver group classes where I teach you the basics of meditation, and develop your skills through an array of different meditation practices.  Each technique is taught as a guided meditation and you can expect to build on these skills and experiences as the weeks progress.  There is space for reflection and discussion throughout the sessions to support your growth. 

I invite you to take the opportunity to develop your personal toolkit and find the key to a greater sense of well-being, peace and happiness.  The more you do it, the more effective it is.  I wish to support you in your journey, developing your meditation skills and practice, leading to a more joyful life.

@skillfulmind  |  1-300-55-66-71