
Patrizia Pisano

Meditation Leader

Patrizia Pisano

You are invited to join Patrizia.  Beginners welcome – even if you’ve never meditated before feel free to come along. ​

Patrizia Pisano is a certified transformational life coach, inspirational teacher and holistic therapist. She believes that the greatest investment you can make is in yourself. The more you grow, the more you feel alive and at peace in the world. As your inner peace grows it can flourish, allowing you to give back in service to others. Her goal is to transform lives and help people discover their power, passion and purpose through the power of meditation.

She is motivated by the stories of the people she has worked with as a coach and the various successes she has seen in helping them release the pain and fears that had held them captive to their past to reveal the very best versions of themselves. The real-life results inspire her to continue to reach out and show others what is truly possible with a commitment to gratitude and spiritual practices such as meditation and yoga.

She is also a qualified Language Instructor accredited by the British Council


@skillfulmind  |  1-300-55-66-71