

Meditation Leader


You are invited to join Sarah . Beginners welcome – even if you’ve never meditated before feel free to come along. 


For a number of years, Sarah has been practising using her own ‘mindfulness muscle’, and in later times, developed an understanding of how this can be used to practice meditation. 

With more and more research becoming available about the benefits of mindfulness and meditation, the more Sarah recognised that these were essential life skills that had to be shared.

Having worked in rural health for much of her 15 years as Registered Nurse, she is passionate about partnering with rural people to strengthen health and wellbeing in the bush.  The skill of meditation is well placed to help people cope with some of the unique challenges of living in rural, regional and remote Australia.


Through partnering with Skillful Mind, Sarah is able to bring these sessions to Mount Isa, North West Queensland.


About the Sessions:

The goal in the sessions is really just to help people pause so they can refresh and experience more calm in their lives.

The sessions won’t be about preaching or lecturing, but rather about learning a new skill and connecting with like-minded people.

As we live in such a unique part of the world, there is also a view to running workshops and retreats, as well as online classes – so watch this space!



Strengthening the Bush

@skillfulmind  |  1-300-55-66-71