
Nic Emma Heart

Meditation Leader

Nic Emma Heart

I invite you to join me, Nicky, to discover meditation.  Beginners are welcome – even if you have never meditated before feel free to come along.


I am Nic Emma Heart, A proud nurturing and playful mother of two beautiful young girls. After I left school I gained my Sport Therapy, Beauty Therapy,


Massage Therapy and Anatomy and Physiology A levels and worked in a first class health farm for a couple of years, gaining a lot of skills within my therapies, especially in massage as I could relate to healing of my clients. Then as I wanted to travel the world and my wages for long hours of work and the money covered rent and food. I worked for Virgin Atlantic Airways for 7 years and was based in Malaysia for 5 years and was very privileged to explore many countries and cultures I wanted to explore. After having an accident I was grounded from flying and had to learn how to walk again, which took me into the precious moments of motherhood. Which brought my passion into Play and Playwork where I went to university with a B.A in the arts of play, to now doing my M.A in play and Education. My areas have become in Play, Nature, Childhood Development, Environment, Philosophies in Eastern and Western approaches to healthy mind, body and soul. For 6 years after dealing with my own childhood traumas and working with children and young peoples traumas I have been practicing Mindfulness, Health and Well Being, student of Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Yoga and Shaolin Temple Martial Arts. Play is the quickest path the happiness and well being.


Now I a Skillful Mind mediation practitioner doing mediation, music and movement playful classes for health and well being. As well as being a coach, building my own courses to support all ages play health and well being with love and compassion. Namaste

@skillfulmind  |  1-300-55-66-71