Meditation Leader
You are invited to join Sabrina. Beginners welcome – even if you’ve never meditated before feel free to come along.
My name is Sabrina, I am a mom of 2 teenagers. My life has led me on a path of health and wellness.
I am a teacher of many things. Mainly art, yoga, meditation and plant-based cooking. All of which I am very passionate about. I love to incorporate all of what I know and combine it into a class for all or to just teach a one on one personal class, whatever is needed. My classes are for kids in pre-k and up, teens, adults and the elderly. What I have observed is that the children are fun because their energy is amazing and they are so very curious to explore their artistic side in combination with the yoga and meditation. The pre-teens and teens enjoy the physical and mental aspect of figuring out the self and getting in touch with their natural side. The adults are kindly looking for some stress relief from their busy lives as parents and/or their jobs. The elderly are great, they have such wisdom and are willing to focus and truly enjoy what they are doing in these classes. I love to teach wellness and love to continue to learn and grow in this field. I am always looking for new ways to teach. I am a voracious reader on these topics and enjoy taking classes to higher my education.
I went through some difficult times with stress in my life and had issues with my health over the years. Through all of this I have found peace and strength in what I’ve learned through wellness. I love cooking and have experimented in healing myself with eating clean and healthy. My art is my peace, I can busy myself for hours with it. Yoga is great for my body. I must say, although all the other wellness things I do are fantastic, the biggest impact on my life and health has been the meditation. It was the missing piece that I needed. It truly made everything better and was necessary to advance me as a person to a level of connection with myself, my spirit, others and life. It is like a muscle you work and once you understand what it is and how it can help you, you’ll never look back. Incorporating meditation in your daily routine is truly life changing.