

Meditation Leader


You are invited to join Natalie.  Beginners welcome – even if you’ve never meditated before feel free to come along. 

I am Natalie Behan and I’m blessed to live with my family at the beautiful beachside town of Nambucca Heads.

For a very long time I suffered with feelings of anxiety, loneliness and I always struggled with ‘what is my purpose in life’.

I saw a Facebook event for a meditation class at a local healing centre and organised to go with a friend. I had no idea what was going to happen.  I arrived to find other women of all ages.  You could feel the energy in the room when I walked in.  I felt a sudden calmness and the sense of belonging. I soon found myself wishing the week away for my weekly meditation class. I have made some great friends and catch up with them for a weekly yoga class and coffee.

Through making mindfulness and meditation a daily habit, I have let go of all those feelings that consumed me for so long.  I think I may have found my purpose.

Becoming a Meditation Leader with SkillfulMind has ignited the passion to share with as many people as I can in my community the benefits of reducing stress and tension from your mind and body.

Come and experience a class with me at my home studio.

We meditate to get good at life.       

Not to get good at meditation.

@skillfulmind  |  1-300-55-66-71