

Meditation Leader


You are invited to join Maria . Beginners welcome – even if you’ve never meditated before feel free to come along.


Hello, my name is Maria, I live in Hertfordshire, England.


I am Currently studying a degree in history & philosophy following a decade working in retail as a store manager until I injured my back.  Enthusiastic about natural health and wellness I searched for alternative treatments to strong medications prescribed by my doctor.  Training I received in aroma body massage gave me a good understanding of how the body works along with pain trigger points, correct posture, and massage techniques for relieving pain. 


Knowledge of essential oils led me to become a wellness advocate learning about and educating others on the benefits of using essential oils to; treat pain and common illnesses, relieve mental stress or depression,  overcome insomnia, supplement diet, flavour cooking, replace many toxic household products whilst the aroma acts as a beautiful perfume. Interested in developing my knowledge further I completed a Master Herbalist diploma gaining a good understanding of plant-based medicines and their uses. 


I found Meditation a powerful tool in the search for better health creating a calm and peaceful mind whilst able to control the pain and inflammation caused by my injury.  Joining skillful mind gave me the opportunity to gain experience of new techniques, whilst developing a good knowledge of the foundations of meditation.


I am now excited to announce that Meditation has made such a profound difference to my life, I want to share it with everyone!  If you too want to experience the benefits of a calm and peaceful mind join me for regular fun and friendly meditation sessions in the Hertford area.

@skillfulmind  |  1-300-55-66-71