Phil is a well-recognised Martial Arts teacher, specialising in Japanese Ju-Jitsu. He has his own club, Kuroyaki-Ryu in Bo’Ness. Phil is a mindfulness teacher, having trained through Skilful Minds. He has also undertaken Youth Mindfulness training in their kids programme, and is qualified to teach this to 7-11 year olds. This material can be adapted as necessary for younger or older children. Phil also teaches Qi Gong – which can be seen to be a form of mindful movement. He can offer this to adults or children, or to a combination of both.
Training for a little over 40 years in Martial Arts, Phil has coached throughout Europe whilst studying Shaolin Zen (single point) meditation. Phil started his path of meditation over 25 years ago after being introduced to it by his martial arts instructor JF Yamaue, who is also a Shaolin priest.
Wishing to develop meditation more with his Martial Arts groups, including a focus on children’s education, he realised that single point meditation can be difficult for many people, particularly children, so started to look for other methods.
There are many reason Phil meditates but in the main it is for the calmness, relaxation and focus, which he finds of great benefit to him. These are just some of the benefits he can bring to others, both children and adults alike.
Over the years, Phil has developed a number of teaching programmes based on educating through Martial Arts, working with children and adults with anxiety, stress, bullying etc.
He feels that meditation is an excellent way of bringing these programmes and meditation together in order to increase the benefits and support these programmes can offer to both adults and children.