Hi and thank you for reading my profile, I live in Newport, Essex and run small meditation groups and workshops from home and the surrounding areas – Meditation with Intention.
I am also able to offer classes and workshops in and around London and Cambridge. I teach simple and enjoyable forms of meditation to small groups of people and I am also excited to be able to bring this practice into schools and organisations.
Through meditation we can experience inner peace and freedom from the stress and anxiety of this world. Meditation can bring into our lives greater understanding of who we are and enable us to taste the inner joy and happiness for which we are all longing.
I run a weekly drop in class and also a number of workshops for both adults, teenagers and businesses to enable you to learn meditation, bring real meaning to your life, experience greater clarity of mind and access timeless wisdom.
Meditation has played a big part in my life and I am thrilled to be able to share my experience, knowledge and practices with others.
Please do get in touch for more information and to arrange a chat to discuss your own requirements and to discover how mediation can really help you.