
Debbie Cox

Meditation Leader

Debbie Cox

My name is Debbie and thank you for checking me out.

I teach guided meditation to help improve mindfulness, restore balance and energy.  I have worked with women for over 10 years now, training in fitness and health.  Many conversations later have been able to introduce mindfulness meditation to their lives. Amazingly, it has changed their way of thinking and, how they react to life situations.

I started programming classes over 12 months ago, amazed how well it went and, over time I had more regulars and more classes wanted.  We stuck to Fridays and ending the week with a relaxed mind, body and strong focus for anything that came their way.

I now train meditation sessions at my studio ‘The Lotus’ and would love for you to join me!

You will have the choice to attend my 4 or 6 week program.  Starting each session with meditation light body movements to help relax the body and calm the mind with breath and balance.  Then moving onto 2x meditations, ending with movements of stretching including yoga and tai chi.


@skillfulmind  |  1-300-55-66-71