

Meditation Leader


My name is Daniella. I live in Bunbury, am a mother of 2 beautiful boys, and a psychologist of over 15 years. I am passionate about health and wellness, and my approach to therapy and mentoring from this holistic and conscious perspective. Meditation is such a key aspect of wellness, from management of stress and “busy”ness, to sleep, to self-love and nurturing.

I introduce the concept of mindfulness and meditation to all my clients, and through discussions with them, I have decided to commence meditation classes, to help them on their journey toward consciousness and connection to self. I want people to love the idea of gifting themselves time each day to quieten their mind, as well as meet like-minded people.

My classes will also include fun and play- yes! Mindfulness can be fun! There will be stretching, conversation, essential oils, mantras and affirmations, body butters, and much, much more. I love helping people to find their value and meaning in life, through heart-based connection. Through mindfulness and meditation, you will find this; as well as experience reduced stress and tension from your mind and body… Experience a space each week (which you will hopefully integrate into your days), to just “BE”.


@skillfulmind  |  1-300-55-66-71