Meditation Leader
You are invited to join David. Beginners welcome – even if you’ve never meditated before feel free to come along.
Nestled high in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, the stunning valley where David makes his home, is the headwater basin for the Arkansas River. In addition to providing ample mountain running and mountaineering opportunities, David found a tribe of people who dedicate their lives to raising the consciousness of the people in the community and sowing the seeds to touch the world.
Previously, David created an identity around corporate careers in advertising and sales, complete with all of the trappings of the pedigree. Finally recognising it as a trap, David chose to move towards the positive polarity of service – service of others – as opposed to service of self.
After transformative experiences involving trauma, mental abuse, therapy, coaching, a critical turning point, and The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle, David found peace, presence, mindfulness, and a robust meditation practice.
Using experience gained in the crucible offered by an era, David has a fire in his heart to serve others who are seeking the tools to break their chains, free their minds, and open their hearts.
This passion brings David to join the SkillfulMIND team as he seeks an advanced degree in counselling. In addition, David is gearing up for certifications in NLP, EMDR, Yoga, and is working to build an ecosystem geared to facilitate positive and profound change for people who are ready to discover a new path that better serves them.
David brings gratitude and softness to the meditation circle and holds a safe space for people looking to discover a meditation practice for the first time, and for all practices to grow. Circles facilitated include guided meditation, visualization, breathing meditation with focused intensity, deep discovery, and guided relaxation.
Discover and Enjoy the Now