SkillfulMIND is excited to work with schools around the world to ensure that they have manageable and effective mindfulness programs in place for their students. The program can be rolled out in a single classroom or across the whole school.
Research shows that mindfulness is a skill that can build the foundations for optimal student concentration and attention.
Good mental health in childhood sets young people up for the future and their career.
Internationally recognised, with a local presence, SkillfulMIND offers an on-line resource for teachers combined with on the ground support from a local meditation teacher.
Just 10 minutes per day has been shown to have a significant positive impact on the well being of students, however the roll out of the mindfulness program is completely up to the school.
We train your staff to be come meditation leaders with comprehensive support including:
The online Skillful MIND portal for staff includes:
With locally based meditation leaders - you will have in person support including:
Self awareness, emotional management attention & concentration, relationship skills and decision making
Less stress, better sleep, more workplace satisfaction, more effective in the classroom and improved student relationships
Better teacher engagement with parents, improved staff workplace satisfaction and more efficient staff
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